Jacalyn Savage, M.S., CCC-SLP (she/her)
Owner and Speech-Language Pathologist
Originally from Indiana, Jacalyn moved out west to complete her master's degree in Speech Language Pathology at the University of Arizona. She moved to Pueblo, CO in 2015 and has been a practicing medical speech-language pathologist in our community ever since. She founded Pueblo Speech and Neurological Rehabilitation Center in 2020 to provide excellent outpatient speech, language, cognition, voice, and swallowing services to Southern Colorado. Jacalyn specializes in communication deficits, such as aphasia, apraxia, and dysarthria, due to neurological diagnoses such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, and Parkinson's Disease. Jacalyn also specializes in the assessment and treatment of swallowing disorders (dysphagia), alternate and augmentative communication (AAC), and gender-affirming voice and communication. ​ Languages: Fluent English, Beginner Spanish Certifications and Trainings: • McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program (MDTP), Certified in MDTP, a systematic exercise-based approach to dysphagia therapy with a 90% success rate for increased safe oral intake • FEES Competency Training, Completed competency training for Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing with Nelson Mobile FEES • Basic FEES: Instrumental Dysphagia Assessment, Trained in fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing using nasoendoscopy to perform instrumental swallow studies • VitalStim® Therapy, Certified in VitalStim® to utilize electrical stimulation in swallowing therapy • Certified Lingraphica Technology Specialist, Trained to use Lingraphica technologies and to optimize outcomes for people with aphasia and other communication disorders • ARK-J Raditation Associated Trismus, Trained in the evaluation and treatment of trismus, or reduced jaw opening, in head and neck cancer patients following radiation • SPEAK OUT!®, Trained by the Parkinson Voice Project to provide an intensive voice therapy to improve vocal strength and intelligibility • 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 SPEAK OUT!® Grant Recipient, Awarded a grant to help individuals with Parkinson's disease regain their voice • Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Certified to administer the MoCA, a cognitive screening test for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease • Laryngeal Videostroboscopy, Trained in laryngeal imaging and videostroboscopy to assess laryngeal and vocal fold functioning and inform treatment of voice disorders • Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion/Vocal Cord Dysfunction Assessment and Treatment, Trained to assess and treat the respiratory and vocal cord condition, PVFM or VCD • Conversation Training Therapy, Trained in CTT, a conversation based treatment for voice disorders • Adult Aural Rehabilitation, Trained in hearing treatment techniques for adults with hearing difficulties, hearing aids, and cochlear implants • Conversation Groups for People with Aphasia, Trained in evidence, techniques, and application of conversation-based group speech therapy for individuals with aphasia • Muscle Tension Dysphonia, Trained in assessment and treatment of the voice disorder muscle tension dysphonia • Semantic Feature Analysis Treatment for Individuals with Aphasia, Trained in using SFA to improve word finding abilities when treating individuals with aphasia • Reflux Dysphagia, Repeat Hospitalization and the Polypharmacy Link, Trained in reflux dysphagia management and the impacts of polypharmacy in healthcare • Intervention for People With Dementia and Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Trained in the treatment and management for individuals with dementia • Transgender Voice and Beyond: Communication Training for Gender Expression, Trained in gender-affirming voice and communication treatment • Resonant Voice Therapy: Generalizing the Balanced Voice, Trained in the the prescribed steps of resonant voice therapy to treat common voice disorders • Assessment and Treatment for Chronic Cough, Trained in the clinical management of chronic cough • Management of Total Laryngectomy, Trained in pre- and post-operative care, rehabilitation, and survivorship of individuals undergoing total laryngectomy • Evaluation and Treatment of Vocal Tremor, Trained in clinical and visual assessment, as well as specialized treatment techniques to minimize vocal tremor • Cough and Swallowing Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease, Trained in Respiratory Swallow Training and Sensorimotor Training in Cough (smTAP) interventions • COVID-19 and Clinical Practice of Voice and Upper Airway Disorders, Trained in treatment related to the coronavirus and its impact on voice, respiration, and the upper airway • Exploring the SLP Role in Psychogenic Dysphagia and Phagophobia, Trained in the assessment and treatment of psychogenic swallowing difficulties • The Relationship between Dysphagia and Malnutrition, Trained in the relationship between dysphagia and nutrition and the SLP's role in maximizing oral nutrition • Perspectives on Assessment and Treatment of Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion Disorder, Trained in current assessment and treatment techniques for PVFM/VCD/ILO • Counseling Skills for Professionals in Communication Disorders, Trained in counseling principles and techniques related to the treatment of communication disorders • Why and How to Practice Real-Life Activities in Speech Therapy, Trained in functional participation approach • Word Retrieval in Aphasia, Trained in naming and word finding dysfunction, assessment, and treatment • National Outcomes Measurement System (NOMS), Certified in NOMS, a system to describe an individual's functional communication and/or swallowing ability over time • Standardization of Dysphagia Diets: Successful International Engagement, Trained in the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI) • Lingraphica AAC Devices, Apps, Therapy Caregiver Training, Evidence-Based Practice, and Neuroplasticity, Trained in communication with speech-generating devices • What SLP Can Learn from PT: Applying Physical Therapy Principles to Voice Care, Trained in pain neuroscience and muscular training related to voice therapy • The SLPs Role in Providing Trauma Informed Care, Trained in trauma informed care, de-escalation techniques, and resiliency techniques • Motor Speech & Cognitive Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease: Current Evidence & Practice Recommendations, Trained in the latest research for individuals with Parkinson's disease • #GoldenTweets: Impact of Social Media Training on Cognitive-Communication for Adults, Trained in using social media as a tool in cognitive-communication rehabilitation • Voice Banking, Trained in voice banking for preservation of voice for individuals with degenerative disease, such as ALS • Concussion/Mild TBI & the SLP, Trained in assessment and treatment for mild traumatic brain injuries • Theory, Assessment, and Treatment of Memory Impairment Post-Acquired Brain Injury, Trained in memory theory, evaluation, and treatment following acquired brain injury • Neurodiversity and Stuttering, Trained in the neurodiversity movement and its application to fluency treatment • Aphasia Intervention through the Lens of Formulaic Language, Trained in formulaic language and its use in aphasia rehabilitation • Upper Esophageal Sphincter: Understanding Anatomy, Physiology, Evaluation and Intervention Options for the UES, Trained in UES swallowing rehabilitation • You Have to Outsmart the Injury: Therapy with Adults Post-Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Trained in mild TBI cognitive-communication intervention and strategies • Gender Affirmative Voice Training: Approach and Technique, Trained in gender-affirming voice, resonance, and communication evaluation and treatment • Marrying Art and Science for Resonance in Gender Affirming Voice Training, Trained in resonance techniques for gender-affirming voice intervention • The Lived Experience of People with Cluttering, Trained in the experiences and perspectives of individuals with the fluency disorder cluttering • Incorporating Health Literacy in the SLP Plan of Care, Trained in assessment of individual health literacy and improving organizational health literacy • Clinical Outcomes, Trained in the importance of patient reported outcomes and the functional outcomes related to communication and swallowing disorders • Aphasia and Friendship, Trained in incorporating friendship skills and goals during the rehabilitation of aphasia • Dysphagia in Multiple Sclerosis, Trained in MS, implications for swallowing, and dysphagia treatment techniques • Using Projects to Address Chronic Cognitive-Communication in Individuals With Acquired Neurogenic Disorders, Trained in project based intervention • Best-Practice for Effective Supervision, Trained in best practices for supervision of students and clinical fellows • Can We Talk? Managing Difficult Conversations for Supervisors, Trained in the most effective communication strategies when supervising • Difficult Decision Making as a Part of the Leadership Process, Trained in leadership techniques, including direct communication and adapting to different supervises • Passy-Muir Incorporated, Completed multiple trainings on respiration, tracheostomy tubes, ventilation, speaking valves, and swallow/speech interventions post tracheostomy • Neurodiversity-affirming Socialization and Healthcare Communication for Patients with High Support Needs, Trained in best practices for supporting neurodiversity • Cultural Responsiveness: Working with and Supporting LGBTQ+ Clients Across the Scope of Practice, Trained in best practices for supporting LGBTQ+ clients • Diagnosis and Treatment for Muscle Tension Dysphagia, Trained in tension release and other treatment techniques for functional neurological disorder • Understanding Right Place and Right Time for Maintenance Therapy, Trained in skilled intervention and maintenance therapy requirements • Interrelationships Between the Body Systems & Swallowing, Trained in whole body person approach in dysphagia management • The Functional Manifestations of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Training in whole person and meaningful treatment approaches with individuals with mTBI • Talking the Psychosocial Impacts of Aphasia: The SLPs Role, Trained in the speech-language pathologist’s role in psychological and social aspects of treatment of aphasia • Facilitating Conversations about Acceptance and Grief, Trained in grief, depression, and counseling during treatment with and without alternate and augmentative communication • Getting Real with AAC: Intimacy Communication with the Spice Institute, Trained on addressing intimacy and relationships with individuals with communication difficulties • Equity in Healthcare: Be the Change, Trained in inequities in healthcare and how to improve equitable practices for diverse patients • What the &*%@?!: Profanity's place in AAC, Trained in improving AAC users access to all communication, including slang and expletives • Caregiver Burden: Moving Beyond Swallowing Physiology, Trained in improving caregiver and family support during dysphagia intervention • AAC in Acute Care: Maximizing Communication & Dysphagia Management, Trained in intervention utilizing alternate communication methods in inpatient settings • The Art & Science of Hub™: Lingraphica’s New AAC Platform, Trained in the latest speech generating device platform from Lingraphica • The Other Fluency Disorder: Evaluation and Treatment of Cluttering, Trained in assessment and intervention across the lifespan for the fluency disorder cluttering • Comprehensive Assessment in Functional Dysphagia, Trained in functional dysphagia (formally psychogenic or muscle tension dysphagia) assessment • Dysphagia Malpractice: Cutting Edge Approach, Trained in the best practices in dysphagia assessment and treatment to ensure patient safety and informed care • What's New for SLP Healthcare Coding, Policies, and Compliance, Trained in the most updated healthcare policies to ensure compliance with all required procedures • An Integrated Approach to the Care of Atypical Parkinsonism: Communication and Swallowing, Trained in atypical Parkinsonism, e.g., PSP, MSA, DLB, CBS • Treatment Dosage in Aphasia Rehabilitation: From Research Efficacy to Real-World Evidence, Trained in the most update research for treatment dosage for aphasia • Treating Reading Comprehension Deficits in Aphasia, Trained in oral reading, strategy, cognitive, and hierarchical based interventions for reading for aphasia • The Myth of "No Plan": Identifying Key Skills in a Person-Centered Approach, Trained in the necessary components for person centered care in speech-language pathology • Dysarthria in the Voice and Swallow Clinic, Trained in the interaction of dysarthria with voice and swallowing disorders • Use of Technology to Support Person-Centered Interventions for People Living with Chronic and Progressive Aphasia, Trained in the use of technology in aphasia therapy • Voice Surgery: A Primer for the Speech Language Pathology, Trained in laryngeal and vocal fold surgery options and procedures • Agraphia: Theoretical Perspectives, Assessment, and Treatment, Trained in aphasia assessment and treatment techniques for various types of writing impairments • Clinical Education and Supervision Training, Trained in supervision and education principles and responsibilities, meeting the 2020 requirements to mentor clinical fellows • Award for Continuing Education (ACE), Awarded twice from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) for demonstrating a commitment to lifelong learning
Kimberly Brown (she/her)
Office Administrator
Joining Pueblo Speech and Neuro in 2025 with a previous background in practical nursing then later pursuing her bachelors of science in management with a focus in project management, Kimberly brings over 15 years of experience in office management and operations. She has a strong commitment to efficiency, team leadership, supporting organizational goals, inclusivity, and promoting positive patient experiences. Languages: Fluent English